Model Railroad Blog

Under Table Sound


Standing rail side listening to  a switcher work his job is a visceral experience.  I’ve always loved the sound of large internal combustion engines whether it be throttling up and down or just idling.  Even more, I love the feel of that deep bass thumping on my chest.  I get the same thrill from the show now as I did thirty years ago.   As the audio on YouTube videos gets better and better, my frustration has been mounting when I go to the basement and listen to that tinny model railroad sound coming from my locomotives.  It’s ‘sound’ yes, but it’s not anywhere close to the real thing. The problem is not the decoders.  A chain is only as strong as it’s weakest link and the weak link is speaker size.  No matter how great the decoder, there are distinct limits as to the degree of deep throaty bass you can get from a speaker the size of a nickel.  The exceedingly patient sound guru’s I’ve talked explain to me that when it comes to bass, size matters.  To get the sound that I want  I need a larger speaker.  An HO locomotive is only so big so you are forced to settle.  Yesterday, after  watching yet another video on YouTube with great audio  it reached the point where I just couldn’t stand it any more.  Time for action.  There has been a lot of discussion about under table sound lately, particularly with the release of the highly promising Soundtraxx Surroundtraxx system.

Theory, informed  guesses on chat forums, and advice from tech reps will only tell you so much.  To find out what I needed to know about under table sound I needed to build a ‘sound mockup’.  I didn’t want to spend a boatload on something that may not have worked so I did some rummaging around.  I dug out an old Soundtraxx DSX decoder and equally ancient 3 inch desktop speaker.  I added leads to the decoder and fashioned a makeshift ‘locomotive’ on a board.  One set of leads was hardwired to the track power bus, the other to the speaker.  Using a jumper wire,  I programmed a loco. address into the decoder.  All set, I hit the power switch and there was a brief moment of silence.  For just a second, there was the downside I was prepared for, that it wouldn’t work.  Then, a moment later and there it was, the basement literally rocked to the sound of an EMD prime mover starting up.  It was mind blowing! I didn’t just hear it, I felt it.  On a low volume setting the rich and deep bass sound was just incredible.  Even with an old 8 bit decoder, and old 3″ speaker, the richness of the sound was impressive.   Like an idiot I must have sat there for ten minutes just throttling up and down and taking it all in.  The answer could not have been any more definitive, speaker size does matter and in a huge way.  It also seemed that by virtue of the decoder being hard wired directly into the bus (not relying on wheel to rail contact) that the throttle response was faster.

Based on the success of the first step of the experiment I’ve decided to pursue things further. The next step was to order a 16 bit Tsunami sound decoder.  People in the know tell me that the data in 16 bit sound is not just twice as much as an 8 bit decoder, but exponentially more.  I’ll have to take their word for it.  After upgrading the decoder, I’ll look into speakers.  Keep in mind I was using a cheap  old 3″ speaker.  Soundtraxx technical bulletin number 11 states that, even without modifications, the Tsunami TSU-1000 can handle up to a six inch speaker!  Add an amplifier and you can go larger.  As I continue to test the under table sound concept the idea isn’t so much to produce more volume but rather more fidelity.  After upgrading to the Tsunami the next step in the test will be to add one, or several, high quality five or six inch speakers.

The key question we all would have is the subject of sound direction.  How will it sound if the loco is on one end of the layout and the speaker on the other?  The experts I’ve talked to state that bass is less of a ‘directional’ sound than the higher pitches.  By that they mean the human ear has a harder time pinpointing the location of a bass sound.  This seems to be true.   Also, switching layouts have two characteristics that make them more suited for under table sound than a traditional layout.  First, they are smaller.  Second, you only have one locomotive on the layout at a time.  The whole under table  idea breaks down if you have a larger layout and multiple locos (enter the Surroundtraxx system but that’s a separate subject).  The only way to find out about the directional issue was to run a test.  I put a loco. on the layout, hit f8 for mute, and then put it in a consist with the under table decoder.  Yes,  to an extent the difference in location between the loco. and speaker is noticeable, not as much as you’d think though.   It seemed to matter where, as an operator, I was standing.  Also, the sound quality was so much higher I was really torn.  Fantastic fidelity with a little locational discrepancy or crappy sound coming from the right spot?  I still need to run the experiment out further to see how far I can take things.  Still to be tested is the subject of speaker location and direction, multiple speakers, and possibly even wireless headphones where the sound is piped right to your ear.   I don’t have a definitive conclusion as to whether under table will be the way to go for a small, one loco. switching layout but all signs are pointing in that direction.  Stay tuned!

The Structure Quandary

Over the past decade I’ve had a hard time ignoring the similarity between model railroader’s penchant for impulse buying/indiscriminate accumulation as compared to the same issue in any other retail setting.  I’m not sure there is a difference between purchasing more shoes than there are days in the week as opposed to buying dozens of structures none of which seem to be earmarked for any particular future purpose and none of which are ever assembled.    In both cases it comes down to the brief high from ‘getting the fix’ and buying something.  After that, the purchased item rarely sees the light of day.  The enjoyment is short lasting indeed. The only solution if you want to prolong the feeling is to buy something again.

I’d like to focus on structure kits for now although rolling stock runs a close second.  For many, many modelers structures are their favorite part of the hobby, at least buying them is.   In many cases the purchase is rationalized when in reality it is just satisfying a craving.  The accumulated kits are unrelated to any central theme or era and go un-built.  In many cases the purchaser doesn’t have a layout either by choice or circumstance.   I’ve written before that, although there are many ways to participate in the hobby, accumulation of merchandise without any intended purpose is not one of them.  After the initial high of making a purchase, the modeler gets none of the long term satisfaction that they should seek from a hobby.

I do believe this can be turned around though if we change our thinking towards structures in general.  We have several flaws in our thinking. The first is that there is no value in assembling a structure if it won’t eventually be on a model railroad.   That’s not true.   The second flaw is assuming that the value of assembling a kit is in the finished product.  The third flaw is that we need to keep assembled models after they are done.  We don’t.   In all three cases we overlook the fact that the value is in the process, the satisfaction of assembly if you will.  This can be no small thing.  The great news is that you don’t need to ever have a layout in order to achieve this satisfaction.

A valuable lesson could be learned by taking a cue from our cousins in the military or automotive modeling side of the hobby.  They don’t have model railroad layouts or other settings to place the completed model and yet on they march in total bliss assembling an F-15 one month, a warthog the next. Unlike military modelers however, we railroaders face a problem. While an 1/48 model of an aircraft may only be a foot long and a few inches tall, many completed structure models are quite large, often taking up four or five square feet.  That raises the significant issue of what do we do with the darn things when they are done?

If we change our perspective on model railroad structures and align it more towards that of the military modelers we are now in a position to get true satisfaction from the hobby even if we don’t have a layout.


  1. Get in the habit of assembling your structure kits for one simple reason, the joy and satisfaction of assembly.  Whether you have a layout or not is irrelevant.  If a particular kit appeals to you, BUILD IT.
  2. With a finished kit in hand we hit the stumbling block that trips most people up and keeps them from building the kit in the first place.  What do you do with it now?  As mentioned before it may be fairly large.  There are three things you can do.  If your structure models are fairly small, treat yourself to a nice display case and put them in there.  The second option is to give them away or sell them, although this may not be so easy and be more trouble than it’s worth.   The third option will be difficult for many to accept and that is to simply pitch them.  What?  That’s right, throw the kits away.   Keep them awhile, photograph them and then eventually pitch them.   If a particular model has given you forty or fifty hours of relaxation and satisfaction that’s saying quite a bit.  It’s served its purpose.  If you don’t have a place for it, no use for it, throw it away and start on the next one.  Look at this way, attending a sporting event with parking may cost well over a hundred dollars and provide four or five hours of enjoyment.  After the event is over we have no more expectations for our entertainment dollars.  We spent our money, we were entertained, and that’s the end of it.  Why should modeling be different?  The same hundred dollars spent on a structure kit will certainly provide more than a few hours of entertainment.  Model building provides more entertainment hours per dollar spent than most other pastimes.  It’s a great value.


So far we’ve been talking about structure accumulation for those with no layouts.  Those with layouts or those about to get layouts face another problem.  They have an inventory of kits accumulated over decades that, while interesting on an individual basis, have absolutely ZERO relationship to each other or any central theme.  Because the modeler spent money getting them, they feel compelled to use them on the layout. They shouldn’t and trying to do so creates unforeseen problems.    Often designs are forced around awkward structure footprints as opposed to letting the theme drive the design.  After the layout is built and the random structures placed willy nilly on its surface, it lacks visual cohesiveness.  In essence the layout has been forced to be a display case, something that just doesn’t work visually.   An analogy would be buying clothes for a vacation before you know where you are going.   Rather than looking like a model of a railroad the layout looks like a retail store front.   The only way to get a cohesive look with a model railroad  is to design it first, and THEN purchase the structures.   This isn’t to say that buying those structures was wasted money.  The layout and your structure building can be split out as two separate pastimes.  There is no reason you can’t build a structure for the sheer joy of doing so and simply not use it on your layout.

The point of all this is to change our view on structures and the role they play with how we derive satisfaction from them.   There can be a tremendous amount of enjoyment obtained simply from building them!  So, build them.  Spending time doing a relaxing and satisfying task is the sole reason for having a hobby.   Let’s get away from over thinking structures and requiring that each and every one of them have a future role after they are completed.

Planning vs. Design

A successful model railroad plan (notice I didn’t say design) is one that ultimately puts the hobbyist in a position where they are consistently spending hobby hours engaged in a manner they find satisfying.  Researching, building, operating, photographing all qualify. (Sorry, random long term kit accumulation and excessive chat forum participation doesn’t).

The person who spends many satisfying hours building a replica of the freight house near their childhood home is just as successfully immersed as the person who spends an equal number of hours joyfully building a model of a star wars set behind an old west ghost town.  The person who spends hours at the archives playing sleuth is just as engaged as the structure builder.  The problem is that far too few people engage in any of these activities with enough consistency that it could be called a hobby.  That’s the sad part.  Often the individual, desperately in need of an outside activity, tries to jump in the pool and flounders about only to leave in frustration not having found the diversion they craved.

The culprit?  Lack of a viable plan.  Notice I used the word plan and not design. The terms planning and design are generally used interchangeably and synonymously when, in fact, they are two quite different things.  Design is more tactical in nature concerned with track and bench work arrangements.  Planning is more strategic, more important, and needs to happen before a design can be started.  Poorly planned layouts and approaches to the hobby are a larger reason people struggle than poor layout designs.    If you don’t have the right overall strategy the tactics become irrelevant.

Why don’t we plan?  There are several reasons. We are ignorant of the need to do so.  If we are aware of the need we don’t understand the importance.  If we do understand the importance we don’t know how to do it because we don’t know what the central issues are.   Finally, we don’t like to plan because it requires self examination which typically is harder than drawing a track plan.

So, what are some of the key aspects of planning?  In general it’s coming up with an approach that tips the odds of success overwhelmingly in your favor.  (Remember our definition of success above).   A good plan energizes you enough that you want to spend a few hours a week engaged in the hobby over a period of years.


Key questions are:

  • What aspect(s) of the hobby do I truly enjoy the most.
  • What resources can I, without question, consistently bring to the hobby.  By resources I specifically mean time, energy, and commitment.  Lack of awareness of energy levels, available time, and commitment are probably the the largest stumbling blocks to being a successful participant in the hobby.
  • If I build a layout, how will I interact with it?  Will my satisfaction come from being an operator, railfan, or simply the joy and satisfaction of building things. Maybe having a miniature copy of a place and time you find truly appealing is your motivation.
  • What is my commitment to self awareness to find something that truly interests me.   If the overall theme is “just something with bridges, tunnels, a coal mine and pier” is that what truly interests you or are you just settling?
  • What is my attention span for a given theme?  If you only want the layout to last several years that’s fine as long as you acknowledge it.
  • If your primary interest is operations, what type of operations?
  • Do you even need a layout?  If one’s primary and sole interest is building rolling stock or structures you are certainly a dyed in the wool model railroader assuming you do actually build the kits.  If so, perhaps a display case, diorama, or module is a better fit.


A successful plan will leave you with accurate answers as to:

  • The size of the layout
  • It’s complexity
  • The desired elements
  • The layout theme

If you can’t realistically answer questions as to your core interests, resources, and how you plan to interact with the layout you aren’t ready to pick up a pencil and start drawing track plans.

The “Bullpen” (Efficient Rolling Stock Management)

Ergonomics, or the human comfort factor, plays a much greater roll on our layout than we realize.  It impacts how often we run it, how enjoyable the experience is when we do and, ultimately, whether we keep using the railroad at all.  The hidden trap is that ergonomics can be so subtle in some cases that we aren’t aware of what is sapping our enjoyment.  Such is the issue with rolling stock storage.

The only rolling stock that should be on a layout are those pieces that have a realistic reason for being there.  The problem is that most of us have more pieces than  have a justifiable reason to be on the railroad.  Some have WAY more but that’s a story for another day.    Things get thorny without us even knowing it.  Absent a good storage system, those excess cars ultimately end up where it’s easiest to put them……on the layout.  They gradually accumulate until things really become mucked up.  This overcrowding detracts from the experience without us even being aware of it.  Let’s see how we can address the problem.  Rolling stock can be broken into three categories:  pieces that need to be on the layout, those that will likely be cycled onto the layout in the near future, and finally those items that for a number of reasons won’t see use in the near future.  Those that won’t see use in the near future should be removed from the railroad, packed in their boxes and either put on a shelf or disposed of.  Easy enough.

It’s the second group that creates problems.  We have a large pool of cars waiting to get in the game, the sports analogy being pitchers in the bullpen. These are cars that won’t be in the current operating session but likely will be mixed into the flow shortly, replacing cars currently in service.  We have a problem.  We don’t want them on the layout now.  It’s human nature that if we don’t put them in a place that is super convenient to access, they won’t get used (which is why we put them on the layout when we shouldn’t have).  If we put these ‘bullpen’ cars in boxes, subconsciously we dread rummaging through the pile of boxes, reading box labels, opening the container, dragging the car out and then doing the same for the car being removed from the layout.

What we need to encourage us to keep the layout surface clean of unneeded cars is a very simple, easy to interact with, method of cycling cars on and off the layout.  The system needs to be close to eye level, not involve opening and closing things, and have an open top.  It needs to be a system that I call ‘grab-n’-go’, a system so easy we can comfortably and seamlessly handle car cycling.   The solution is any type of open top shelving system that keeps the cars fairly close to eye level.

Bullpen 002s

In thinking through my situation I opted for an 8″ x 24″ floating shelf picked up at The Home Depot.  These shelves are inexpensive, very easy to install, and have an ultra clean look to them.  I mounted it fairly high so as not to have to bend and squint to identify the cars I was looking for.  I did not add track to the shelves so as to avoid having to deal with the hassle of aligning the trucks on the rail.  The cars just sit on the flat shelf surface.  I added a lip of 1 1/2″ molding to serve as a guard rail and that was it.  Even this small shelf holds twelve, fifty foot cars.  At most, I’ll only need one more shelf to hold what would typically get cycled onto the layout.  All other pieces are classified as for use in the distant future and are stored in boxes in my shop.  This floating shelf system makes cycling cars from the ‘bullpen’ a breeze and encourages me to avoid storing them on the layout.

Bullpen 003s

These cars are in ‘The Bullpen’ meaning they will likely see an operating session in the next few months.  Cycling them on and off the layout is a simple ‘grab-n-go’ which encourages me to keep them on this shelf and off the layout where they would clog things up.

Layout Lifespan

It’s pretty easy to sub-consciously buy into conventional wisdom without  thinking through whether such an approach actually applies to our situation.  It may or may not.  The expected lifespan of a layout is one such example.  For many of us, when we set out to build a layout, it’s with the thought that it will be something that is around for a decade or longer.  If the model railroad is of any size at all, it would certainly take that long to get it to completion.  Several things can come up though that may such a long term approach an ill fit for some of us.  Our lifestyle may change long before we get close to completion. Moving to a different house being a prime example.  The more likely issue though is that our interests may change.  Three years in, something that holds more appeal may catch our eye.  If we are so committed to our one or two decade project we may have to constantly brush aside other opportunities.  Finally, if we put any time at all into the hobby our skills will increase over time.  Five years into a layout, it will become painfully obvious that the portion we are working on now looks substantially better than the initial work done with older skill sets.  Over time that can begin to grate on you.

Here’s where I’m going with all of this.  For many of us,  consideration should be given to layouts with shorter life spans, say three to five years.  By keeping the layout size and complexity manageable, we can get it up and running quickly, flog every ounce of fun out of it, and then move on to a new and exciting theme.  Such an approach will keep us energized and excited.  Shorter term layouts will be put together with a more consistent look because they represent a narrower band of our skills progression.    Turnouts, trees, bench work, and electronics can generally be salvaged keeping the cost down.  To be clear, I’m not talking about getting two months into a layout and then constantly changing your mind and never getting anything up and going.  I’m talking about driving a manageable model railroad purposely towards  completion in a medium time span, and then re-stoking the fires with a new project.