The approach a modeler takes to track detail depends on a number of factors and personal preferences. Two of them are the volume of track that needs to be detailed and how far away you’ll be standing when you look at the rail. Obviously, if you have several hundred feet of track, hand laying […]
Author: Lmind1
East Rail on Film!
Here’s a blast from the past….Splitting off of Miami’s “East Rail” siding, just south of the main industrial park, is a one track spur that dives into the weeds, and weaves through concrete canyons between closely packed structures. At the end of the spur there is a blind crossing of 37th Avenue to reach an […]
Brooklyn Terminal: More Questions Answered
Entering into the Brooklyn Terminal project I had a lot of questions I needed to work through in my mind to see if I had a fighting chance of building something that at least approached what I’d done with my HO layouts. It wasn’t enough to be able to address the questions and challenges […]
Brooklyn Terminal: May 11th
A little photographic experimentation with mock ups as I start to gain momentum with the Brooklyn Terminal layout…… Boxcars are Micro Trains, the switcher is by Model Power, and the structures are DPM.
N Scale Rolling Stock Strategy
We’d all like to have our cake and eat it too but, unfortunately, life rarely pans out that way. An N scaler has the enormous advantage of being able to have a rather significant railroad virtually in their hip pocket. The small size also opens up the ability to have much more realistic scene composition […]