Category: Brooklyn Terminal

For Sale: Brooklyn Layout

Three layouts in one house is too many! In an attempt to free up space I’d like to sell my N scale Brooklyn Terminal, N scale, layout if I can. It was the cover story in the October 2021 issue of MR. Please, only contact me if you would be willing to pick it up. […]

Brooklyn Terminal Tug

This weekend I wrapped up the last big project on the layout, the harbor tug. It was hard to pick which color scheme to go with given there are so many striking prototype options, the NY Dock and Erie being favorites. Now that I see the finished vessel on the layout going with the New […]

Brooklyn Terminal December 11

The last major construction project on the Brooklyn Terminal is building a harbor tug. The Sylvan Models product is a nice, well designed kit that is fairly straightforward to build. The challenge will be coming up with a way of doing the pilot house windows and the handrails in a way that doesn’t look overly […]