Model Railroad Blog

Indian Matchmaking & Layout Design

One evening, a few weeks ago, I was melting into my couch and surfing Netflix. Scroll, scroll, scroll, nothing.  Essentially what I was looking for was something short, borderline entertaining, and took minimal neurons to process. In other words, trashy but not too trashy.  Up comes the series “Indian Matchmaking”.  Okay, nobody will know, I’ll bite and then erase it from my watch history.  Actually, I was surprised to find that it wasn’t terrible and it hit my low bar for being watchable.  The series is centered on an Indian matchmaker named Sima and the trials and travails of her efforts to couple up her high income, picky, single clients. 

A typical episode begins with her interviewing a forty something, perpetually single, female client and asking what qualities she’s looking for in a mate.  In other words her “givens and druthers”.  “Well Sima, I’m pretty amazing so I need ‘amazing’ in a partner.  He needs to be at least 6’4” tall and trim. Ideally he’d be a doctor but it would be nice if he had a secondary degree as well. He needs to be my religion and want a large family.  I’d like him to be home from work promptly to help with the kids. He needs to love travel, reading, and speak several languages.”   When she finally finishes her list, Sima gives her signature, deadpan, you’ve got to be kidding look.  “I think you’re being a little unrealistic. No mortal on earth has all of those qualities and if he did he wouldn’t be single.  Let’s separate the ‘need to have’ qualities from the ‘nice to have’ qualities”.  The client is unmoved by Sima’s reality check.  “Those ARE my ‘must have’ qualities!  If I can’t have all of them, then I’ll just stay single!”   …and she does remain single and will likely remain so her entire life.

What does this have to do with layout design?  A lot.  It illustrates a characteristic of human nature called “all or nothing” thinking.

If I can’t have every single thing on my layout design wish list, then I’ll just go without a layout.  …..and these guys do.  They go to their graves without ever having a railroad. I see it over and over, long “must have lists” that are not only mathematically impossible to execute but would look like a dumpster fire at a circus if you could.

Typical layout spaces are twelve by sixteen foot spare bedrooms or twenty by twenty half basements.  About a third of the people that come to me want: seven or eight towns, a few huge yards, massive roundhouses, a city scene, a dock scene, curve radii to handle big steam, the list goes on and on.  Like Sima, I’ll loop back, explain that it won’t fit, and ask what their top three element priorities are.  And, like on the show, I’ll often get “There is no top three.  I need ALL of that to be happy.” With experience I’ve learned to turn down these commissions.  Back in the day I’d take a run at it, the end result typically being the customer saying, “I’m sorry I just can’t get excited about that”.

Getting back to the show, one of the funnier parts is when they interview couples that have been happily married for fifty years.  They put them side by side on a couch and ask about their secret to marital success.  Sima asked one husband what he liked most about his wife.  Why did he stay with her fifty years?  His response? “She’s a good cook”.  What?!  That’s it?  That’s why you’ve been with her five decades?  “Yep, pretty much”.  The wife on her husband’s qualities? “Well there aren’t that many, and I can’t say he’s that good looking, but he is borderline trainable”.

As with matchmaking, short lists and the ability to prioritize, leads to model railroads that prove to be satisfying over the long haul.  I’ll also say it never ends up being a case of “settling”.  A spare bedroom will generally support three elements , give or take. Even so, working at a steady pace, with an average level of craftsmanship, this would likely spin off seven or eight years of construction time.  A half basement will support four five elements and typically takes a decade or two to finish.

Can you set priorities?  Need help with your layout design?  Give me a shout.

Weeks Gas – East Rail 2

The latest project on East Rail 2 is Weeks Gas. Although it won’t ever be confused for an architectural masterpiece, it is iconic in the area by virtue of its front and center location at the entrance to the industrial park. Building flats are typically visually jarring and generally don’t work. You can get away with them however, if you keep them short and can hide the edges so you aren’t dealing with layout-to-backdrop perspective problems. In this case it wraps around a column in the corner of the room and both ends are hidden. Construction was done via traditional means of painted styrene, not photo laminates.

Here’s the prototype in 2011.

The Photo Shoot

I’ve gotten a number of questions as to how the photo shoot in my last post was handled, specifically the lighting. Since the tripods were still in place, it’s easy enough to show. I used only ONE photo flood and turned all of the room lights OFF before taking the shot. Note the light position in front of the subject and 45 degrees to the side. The light is not behind me. All you need to replicate this is a photo flood bulb and a clamp on lamp socket which you can get at the hardware store. The bulb is 500W, 3200k. I took six images (that’s truly all you need) and combined them with Helicon Focus (which is only $30). My backdrop is just a light blue “screen” which I remove with an editor and crop in a shot of an actual sky (nothing dramatic, no major cloud formations).

The “East Rail” Name

It’s February 15, 2006 at the “East Rail” industrial park (looking southward). Looking at the tracks to the right we have (back to front): No. 1 Main (back), No. 2 Main(middle), and the “East Rail” siding (foreground) . East Rail got its name by virtue of being “East” of the double track main. At the time this shot was taken, the crew had to shove a several block long cut of cars around a blind curve for spotting at The Seaboard Warehouse. Each car had to be spotted at a specific door so the engineer (in white shirt) was totally dependent upon radio communications from the conductor (orange shirt). Prior to the move, the engineer got out of the cab and the crew had a several minute long meeting to discuss the task at hand. Once the work started, they were probably five hundred yards apart and out of sight from one another. This is industrial railroading! When you’re switching your layout, take your time, sip your favorite beverage as you think through how you’re going to work things. The pros don’t roll in at 20 mph, hit the brakes, and slam cars around. This video will give you a sense for pacing…surgical precision starts at the 6:00 mark. (thanks Justin!)