Model Railroad Blog

LAJ – August 30th


Scene composition/design continues this weekend with the selection of the central scene to be used for the background structure.  In this case it’s the industry at 4861 East 48th Street.  It’s not rail served and doesn’t need to be.  I selected it because of it’s interesting roof line and subtle but complex coloration. The only way to truly dial things in is trial and error via full scale mock ups.  At this point in the game nothing is final as far ultimate design and composition is concerned.


The Hidden Blessing of Constraints

Awhile back I was reading an article on architectural design.  The author, an architect, made the point that having constraints (budget, theme, etc.) on a project often made it easier rather than harder.   The constraints narrowed the focus leading to a more cohesive result.

The same could be said for model railroading.   At first glance having unlimited space, time, and money would seem to be a dream situation.  You’d quickly find however, that the lack of constraints would likely have you in an endless cycle of mental wandering and indecision.

Lately I’ve gotten a lot of emails from twenty somethings, often married, just starting out in life. Many in the military.  Let’s start with the what they don’t have.  The supposed negatives in their mind are, in reality, blessings.  They don’t have money, nor space, or even skills for that matter since many are just entering the hobby.  They can’t drop six hundred dollars on a sound equipped tandem of DCC locos.  They can’t drop a grand on a roster of high end freight cars.  Even structure kits at sixty or seventy a pop are a stretch.  What they do have is enthusiasm, prototype knowledge, the willingness to try new things, and in most cases supportive spouses.

It’s the perfect storm for becoming a master modeler.  Since they can’t buy their way out of any problem, they are effectively backed into a corner and have no choice but to learn how to do things the old fashion way. The old fashioned way being defined as actually BUILDING something.  If by some odd chance they received a cash windfall it would actually hurt them rather than help because long term the things they could buy would not be of the same quality as what they could make.  Rome wasn’t built in a day.  Building skills is a lifelong journey but being forced to do so at a young age changes your internal culture, habits, and ultimately your confidence.  There  two entry points to the hobby, two gateways, the teenager with ZERO money, and the fifty plus person that is financially secure.  I see it all of the time.  A year after joining the hobby the middle, high school, and college students are significantly ahead of their older peers in terms of modeling skills.   To a person they are mostly dead broke and resigned to the fact that if they want an item on the layout they’ll have to make it themselves.  The kids are also much less concerned about making mistakes, the subject for another blog.

My advice to the teen or twenty something (or older modeler if they’d listen) would be as follows:

  • Embrace the hidden blessing of budget limitations and use the time to develop life long skills.
  • Learn to lay mechanically sound, smooth flowing, perfectly tuned track
  • Learn to hand lay track
  • Learn to solder and do so neatly with no globs or cold points
  • Learn to cleanly apply ballast
  • Become a master of color selection and weathering
  • Learn to lay static grass that actually looks like grass
  • Study what a tree looks like and push yourself to model them convincingly (easier said than done)
  • Learn to work with styrene in a way that all joints are smooth, tight, free of visible joints, and free of errant glue
  • Learn to scratch build structures
  • Learn to effectively weather freight cars
  • Don’t take your spouse’s support for granted and show that you don’t by keeping the layout presentation (fascia, legs, backdrop, surroundings) at the same quality level as the rest of your home.
  • Practice, practice, practice

Assume the mindset that every effort was your best at the time given your skill level when you built it.  Don’t get down on yourself or too full of yourself either.  Steadily push ahead, live in the present, and enjoy the ride.



Flashback Miami

In their “Flashback Miami” series, the Miami Herald ran an excellent, photo laden article on the Seaboard Airline in town.  Included are a lot of photos of the station at 7th Avenue, the location of the east end of the Downtown Spur.  Thanks to my mentor David Orr for the heads up.

Click HERE for the article.

Foreground Composition


One of the great planning fall backs is, when stuck, just copy the prototype.  I’d been struggling with one aspect of composing the foreground structures.  Specifically, if I put a row of foreground structures end to end on 50th street it would be difficult to see the background structures.  The solution?  Remove every other foreground structure and replace it with a parking lot.  The lot would be framed on both sides by a building.  To make things even more interesting, at least one of the lots could be a container storage yard as per the photo above.



Walther’s Grocery Distributor would serve as an excellent foundation for a first kitbashing project

One of the questions on my commercial layout design questionnaire is, “what aspect of the hobby do you enjoy the most?”. The most common answer, one that invariably is given a “ten” by most modelers, is structure building. Across the board it is the area that consistently provides the most enjoyment to model railroaders. As the design progresses and takes shape using the modeler’s givens and druthers I’m often asked, ” I love kit “X” will it fit in spot A?”. Often the answer is no, followed by my reasoning that structure footprints shouldn’t drive layout design. Taking it further, the more detailed answer is “No, but….” No but if you modify the kit it WILL fit and you’ll have something unique on the layout. The discussion typically ends there.

For whatever reason, many modelers have a distinct discomfort with kitbashing (modifying a kit from it’s out of the box appearance). At first I though it was cost-related but really what it boils down to is a lack of confidence in one’s abilities. However for the modeler’s that can get past this, it opens up an entirely new world of possibilities. It really just takes a leap of faith to give it a go, a realization that an average outcome on the first few attempts is the price we pay for advancing our skills.

Look at the cost of a few kits (that may need to be discarded if you botch the attempts) as money well spent in our ongoing quest to get better, an “educational investment” if you will. However, we have several ways to get around this educational investment cost that some price-conscious modelers might benefit from. Some model kit stores offer multi-buy discounts (to encourage kitbashing, of course). You could also consider buying used or damaged kits on eBay, if you can find an eBay coupon that applies then this cost can be reduced further. All in all if you play it smart then you can get into kitbashing for a lower cost than you might think.

Here’s an idea for a sample project to get you started. Let’s say you need a large, car spot driven industry up against your backdrop to provide operational interest. For structures against a backdrop shorter and longer looks better. We also want a little depth, say 3.5 inches, as opposed to the narrow inch or so typical of most commercially available backdrop structures. One of my favorite kits is Walther’s Grocery Distributor (933-3760). This model would serve as an excellent foundation for a kitbashed backdrop building that looks like it “fits into the real world” and would provide a lot of operational bang for the buck. I’d approach it as follows.

-Purchase two or three of the Grocery Distributor kits.

-Glue the back walls (with the loading doors) from the kits together end to end. Put a strip of 1″ wide, .060″ styrene behind the joints to reinforce them. Make a thin slurry of Testor’s modeling putty and lacquer thinner and work it into the seam to disguise the joint. After construction, hide the joint with a downspout or section of .040″ spring wire (representing electrical conduit)

-Trim the width of the side pieces to roughly three and half inches. This is done by using a utility knife guided by a straight edge. Make multiple shallow passes until you are most of the way through the plastic and then bend and snap. Clean up the cut edge with sandpaper.

-Glue the now shortened side pieces to the now longer back wall.

-Discard the roof top structure and billboard

-Replace the doors with metal roll up doors from Rix/Pikestuff

-Replace the awning supports with .015″ spring wire.

-If you’re particularly ambitious, and comfortable with photoshop, replace with the windows with photos of prototype industrial windows. (actually you could do the same for the doors, use photos that is).

-Paint and “plant” on the layout.