Category: Uncategorized

11th Ave. Facing West

Some photo shoots fall together in an hour and give you the perfect ten as far as images go. Then there are those like the one above that you have to really fight with to get something even remotely useable. The problem with this shot was getting the lighting in position which, in the end, […]

Alvarez Pallets

The eastern end of The Downtown Spur runs through a district of small produce related businesses. Especially in the mid-morning hours, you’ll see a hornet’s nest of forklifts buzzing in and out of them. Where you see produce companies you’ll find small business dealing in new and used pallets supplying them. Miguel Alvarez and Co. […]

Sun Gas

A portion of the Sun Gas compound is walled off with a cinderblock wall behind which is a small service structure. In anticipation of eventually modeling the scene, I took photos back in 2012 to eventually use as photo wallpaper. Okay, so it took me nine years to get around to it! Back in 2012 […]

30th Ave/Sun Gas Jan.31

Standing on the edge of 30th Avenue, facing east, Tolga Erbora catches the local working Sun Gas, an LPG dealer. This is the scene I’m currently working on. Here’s where Sun Gas, CBI, and 30th Avenue are in relation to the layout as a whole. One of the more challenging aspects of this scene is […]