Category: Operations

Using Likely Op. Session Length To Determine The Best Size for Your Layout

Topic: Model Railroad Layout Design How much  layout do you need to do accomplish what’s important to you? I mean, realistically, how much model railroad do you REALLY need to be satisfied?  Most newcomers, and many veterans, grossly over estimate their requirements and by doing so create a lot of unnecessary expense and angst for […]

Hand Brakes

In talking about switching operations with my friends that are professional  railroaders, one recurring topic that keeps coming up is the importance of setting hand brakes.  When a locomotive cuts away from its train to handle a switching move, the hand brakes on one or more cars on the now engineless train need to be […]

Brake Tests

For some time I’ve been trying to come up with a way to simulate brake tests above and beyond just “waiting a bit”.  I wanted some form of interactive device that wasn’t too gimmicky.  Enter the iPad and a free app called Timer +.  Timer + allows you to input an infinite number of tasks […]

A One Turnout Layout

A layout with only one turnout?  One that offers diverse, hour long operating sessions without ‘make work’ complexity?   A layout that could be built in two weekends and then morph into something that provides several years worth of craftsman projects?   A gimmick?  Absolutely not.  It’s all a matter of selecting the right theme, understanding prototype […]