Author: Lmind1


If you want to get picky the LAJ isn’t technically in LA, it’s in a separate municipality just south of downtown called Vernon. I’d like to say I had the artistic forethought to pick a location for the LAJ that had a storied, textured past. Not so, I just go lucky. Seriously, how can you […]

Vehicle Colors

Here’s a good portrayal of common vehicle colors found on the road today.  Notice the preponderance of gray-silver-charcoal-black as well as white.  Note the mix of suv’s, sedans, mini-vans, and pick up trucks.

Flickr and New Links Page

Between photos, books, and videos my material is sort of scattered around.  I’ve added a new links tab to this site to help with navigation. I’ve also set up a Flickr account for photos.  Although there is a fair amount of overlap with this site the Flickr navigation is a little easier and I’ve used […]