The current project on my workbench is the pavement for District Blvd. in Vernon. The prototype is comprised of 12 foot traffic lanes, a 12 foot median, and 10 foot parking lanes. I used Google Streetview as a guide but didn’t use that imagery. Instead, I was able to find a street overpass in town that allowed me to safely photograph the street below. Using more than a little photoshop to cut and paste and change the pavement color and striping patterns, I was able to put together the image above. This is a fairly common arrangement so I’ve posted it to my photo wallpaper section. Print it out 10.8 inches wide on high-quality glossy photo paper, knock the shine off with Dullcote, and then affix it to your styrene base with 3M Super77.
Model Railroad Blog
Two Good Links
Mixing It Up
With the discovery of Ed’s TrainCrew audio app., the next step was to see if I could overlay those sounds seamlessly on top of the locomotive audio being fed from the under layout sound decoder to my wireless headphones. Anticipating this need, awhile back I picked up an audio “mixer” from Pricom. One side of the board has four ports to accept incoming sounds, on the other side is an output plug for the headphones. I loaded the TrainCrew app. on my iPhone and plugged the phone into one port. I ran a cable from the under table layout decoder plug to another port. I turned on the throttle and the locomotive sound audio was feeding through the mixer without issue. So far, so good. Next, I hit the brake wheel function on TrainCrew. A perfect sound overlay! It works!
All is not resolved, however. The way I’ve set this up, you are essentially tethered to one location due to the plug connecting the phone to the mixer. If you want to “trigger” the sounds on the phone you need to walk over to the phone which is plugged into the mixer. No problem on a small switching layout like the LAJ or East Rail. On larger layouts like the Downtown Spur you need to walk back to the phone everything you want to trigger a sound. There are a number of work arounds for this I’m sure. Progress is being made.
Update: After posting the above blog. Jeremy F. was kind enough to come up with a solution for un-tethering the iphone via bluetooth. He writes:
“The solution to untethering your iPhone is a simple little Bluetooth receiver like this:
Should give you about 40 feet of range in an open space. I use one in my car for music and podcasts, and it sounds great.”
Thanks Jeremy!
Audio Props: TrainCrew
After my last post on audio props, Ed Kapuscinski dropped me a note announcing that he’s developed an app. that already does many of things on my wish list. Wow Ed, that was fast! Thanks!
The app is called TrainCrew URL:
I’ve been playing around with it and it’s a simple matter to carry your smartphone around and just hit the icons as you need them. I particularly like the hand brakes. Ed is still developing it so I like forward to seeing where he takes it given the great start he has with it already.
Op. Session Design

I feel like I should track down all of the attendees of my early op. sessions and issue a formal apology for what I put them through. It’s a common mistake layout owners make when they get into the operations game and have their first several years of sessions. We feel obligated to make sure our guests are entertained and also want to show them all aspects of the layout. By “all” I mean EVERY industry, every aspect.
This leads to what I call “job stuffing”. Job stuffing is overloading an assignment with way, way more tasks than any mortal can handle and still have a good time. Switch lists with dozens of pick ups and set outs, “puzzles” so the operator has “fun”, way too many trains on the schedule. Cars aren’t blocked. Pickups are buried behind other cars. Schedules are too tight. Working EVERY industry. The session takes on the appearance of Hartsfield International at rush hour. My guests were polite but, having been on the receiving end of this scenario on more than one occasion, they probably didn’t have that much fun, or at least as much as they could have.
What I, and many other layout owners, failed to grasp is what it’s like to be thrown into an unfamiliar environment. We know the geography of our layouts like the back of our hand but a newcomer will be disoriented even with the best of labeling and signage. I also failed to grasp how important the recreational and social aspects of an op. session are to most folks.
I just got back from a thoroughly enjoyable ops. weekend in Austin where I operated on David Barrow’s, Tommy Holt’s, and Riley Triggs layouts. I was really struck by how they designed their sessions and how much fun I had. What do they do differently?
- They don’t run that many trains on the schedule. Barrow and Holt’s layouts are huge but you cruise forever without running into oncoming traffic.
- The workload of individual trains is light. On my train in the photo above, there were only three set outs of a few cars the entire route. All of the cars were blocked so they’d be where you expected them.
- Every aspect of the job set the operator up for success and was designed to make it as easy as possible to do the work. No tricks, no puzzles, no ‘gotchas’, no fishing for pickups behind ten other cars.
- The equipment operated flawlessly. No derailments or power failures.
- Delegation. There are defined duties for yard crews. You don’t have to do it all. When you arrive in a yard you can perform one move, beyond that the work is somebody else’s problem.
- There is a definite quitting time at their sessions. When the clock hand hits five o’clock the power goes off and it’s time for the craft beers whether you’re done or not.
Set up correctly, operating sessions can be a blast and still be absolutely prototypical. Thanks guys!