Model Railroad Blog

Canton RR Article

The current issue of Railfan and Railroad has an exceptional article on Baltimore’s Canton RR, a modern switching line. I particularly liked the highly detailed explanation of their switching operations. The photos are superb as is Otto’s illustration. You can buy it HERE. My Barnes and Noble had it in the magazine rack.

I have a chapter (and track plan) in my most recent book 8 Track Plans for Modern Switching Layouts, on a segment of the Canton. The article sheds a lot of light on how to operate the layout.

Free Money Layout – Operations

After my last post, Tolga went back and re-shot his OMNI Logistics photo under better conditions. Note the loading ramp on the far right of the photo. Thanks Tolga!

After my post on the “Easy Money” design, I received a few emails asking how it would be operated so let’s take a step back and talk about that.

To begin, this plan isn’t meant to sustain two hour op. sessions for multiple crews. I see it as something you could have a thirty to forty-five minute solo session with. Life is going to be much easier if you don’t jam the layout full of cars. I’d have four or five in the yard and an equal amount at the warehouse. The loco. would be idling outside of the yard office to start. He’d start by sorting the cars in the yard so they are in the correct order for the doors at the warehouse. Once that’s done, he’d shove to the warehouse. Using the incoming loads as a handle, the empties would be pulled out and put on the sorting track. The loads would then be spotted at the correct doors. The cars don’t stay there as a coupled train. There would be gaps between cars and the brake wheels set on each. The empties are then pulled back back to the yard. Work at the interchange yard, if any, would be a simple out and back move. Spotting a car at the team track would be a simple move from the yard. Keep in mind that not every industry is worked every session and not every door at the warehouse is used every session.

You could add a fun twist by having some cars at the warehouse still in the process of being unloaded which would require them to be pulled out of the way and re-spotted. Another twist would be a scenario where there isn’t enough room at the warehouse for all of the incoming cars requiring them be placed “off spot” on the sorting track until room frees up later on.

In order to keep the layout from becoming overly congested with cars, store those not involved in the op. session on a nearby open top shelf.

Free Money

This is railroading and it’s happening now. Tolga Erbora caught FEC’s CIS local down in the dirt and earning revenue as it works OMNI Transload, a logistics warehouse in Miami.

Subject: Model Railroad Layout Design Service

It was over a decade ago when I sat in on a seminar at Cocoa Beach presented by the late TJ Bissett, a CSX conductor. The subject of the talk was switching logistics warehouses, Saddle Creek to be specific. The talk was fascinating and I could see right away that the subject had major layout design implications from the standpoint of creating challenging and plausible operating scenarios in the smallest of spaces. From a design standpoint they are “free money”. Let’s take at a look at these fascinating facilities as well as how to incorporate them into a layout design.

From the outside a logistics warehouse looks like a single industry, a nondescript “box”. It’s not. These facilities are leased out to a variety of small tenants that want rail service but can’t justify having their own spur. What looks like a building with eight or nine cargo doors is actually four, five, six, (or more) totally independent industries. As such they take a variety of car types ranging from standard boxes, Hi Cubes, standard reefers, block-out-the-sun massive reefers, and tank cars of all varieties. (Note: Tolga wrote me later to add, “The OMNI airport location also has handled flatcars with steel beams and centerbeam flats with forklifts being able to unload on the asphalt to the east side or I believe on a small easement on both sides.”)

Operationally they are a gift from gods. When a local arrives on the scene, cars needed to be spotted at specific doors. The food service industry is going to be pretty pissed if they open the cargo door and see a box of lumber spotted there! Further complicating things (or making it more interesting) is that when the local comes on the scene some of the cars on site may not have been unloaded yet. That means they need to be moved out of the way, the new loads spotted, and then the yet-to-be unloaded cars put back.

The nature of the warehouses is such that they could be easily modeled with a relatively flat structure. Even a model with four or five doors could take thirty to forty-five minutes to switch….and that’s a layout design opportunity!

A reefer sits in front of OMNI transload in Miami. Note that on most days not every single door has a car in front of it.

Tolga Erbora got this rare catch in front of OMNI a few days ago. We aren’t exactly sure what the contents of the tanks are since the placards would indicate it’s not food related. So, here we have some variety, tanks and boxcars.

OMNI transload from street side. Note the pallets of lumber which came in on boxcars.

The Cryo-Trans reefers spotted in front of this logistics warehouse in Baltimore likely contain wine. Not visible is a sorting track just behind the guard rail. Note the boxcar for a different tenant. What’s going on with the three extra reefers on the sorting track? Those are “offspots” . When they came in, the reefers at the door were still being unloaded and were in the way. When they’ve been dealt with, the local will pull them and put the offspots in place to be unloaded.

The Design

A well thought out design covers a lot of bases. It should be interesting to look at when you’re not running trains and offer up a variety of building projects that are fun for the layout owner. It should be plausible. It should be straightforward to build. The plan shown here could be made operational within a weekend and is within reach of a high school student. It also offers plenty of meat for the more experience detailed modeler. If you used Atlas code 83 track the cost would be minimal. Using Atlas’ sectional track 24 inch curves would further simplify things. I’ve include photo wallpaper for the warehouse in the How To section of this site. The “negative space” section in the middle contains no spurs and creates a sense of distance between the yard and warehouse. There is more than enough going on with the plan that putting more track here serves no purpose other than to be an eyesore.

If you like this plan you might enjoy my latest book “8 Track Plans For Modern Era Switching Layouts”.

The team track at Tradepoint Atlantic in Baltimore. These take a variety of cars for customers that don’t have their own spur. The tanks in this shot are for an environmental services firm across town. They offer the chance to incorporate a broad variety of car types in a small space.

OMNI Transload – East Rail 2

OMNI Transload, a logistics warehouse, is the latest addition to my new East Rail 2 layout.

Because logistics warehouses offer a lot of operational potential in a limited amount of space, they make ideal candidates for smaller layouts. On my original incarnation of East Rail I had two steel warehouses sitting on the banks of the canal. Although I was happy with their look, they really weren’t that plausible for a South Florida scene where most of the warehouses are made of block and stucco to withstand hurricanes. The new layout offers an opportunity to fix small details like this.

In the real world the OMNI warehouses are served by the FEC and located a mile or so away from East Rail. I took some artistic license and used them for inspiration anyway. Shown above is their facility at the IRIS crossing. Since I didn’t have 90 degree front view shots of this particular location, I used similar looking warehouses that I had better photos of.

I’ve put the photo wallpaper file in the “How To” section if anybody wants to make their own version. Print the image out at 2 3/4″ tall.

East Rail 2 – July 9, 2023

The last several weeks have centered on scratch building palms, scenery detailing, and some Alkem chain link fencing. Momentum is building and I can see the look of the old layout coming back to life, albeit in a subtly refined form.

A close up view of the canal leg. Miami Iron and Metal will be in the foreground.

Just for fun here’s a shot of the original layout taken around 2011 or so.

The corner “L” of the layout.

Here’s an overall view of the canal leg. The logistics warehouse is a stand in. The final version will maintain these dimensions and door spacing but will likely take on a much different overall look.

A more refined and updated version of the track plan.