Category: Prototype

Charm City, Switching’s Promised Land

One of Tradepoint Atlantic’s switchers makes a transfer run between yards. The empty centerbeams were pulled from the massive Home Depot facility. Trains shuttle back and forth between yards all day. A new Starbucks is being built just out of view to the right. Having the luxury of being able to watch prototype switching operations […]

Graffiti Tips

An upgraded Walthers Cryo reefer sits in front of SALCO on the East Rail 2 layout. If you’re a modern era modeler, graffiti is part of the landscape. Here are a few tips to make it more convincing on a model. Working with larger decals takes patience as far as getting them to ultimately sit […]

Arctic Monsters

About every other time I rail fan in Baltimore there’s a cut of cryogenic reefers spotted at Terminal H (Canton RR territory). These monsters are block-out-the-sun massive. Photos really don’t capture the impact they make in person. Between their size and paint scheme, it’s hard not to be drawn to them. Thirty years ago Walthers […]