Category: Operations

Tom Klimoski’s Georgia Northeastern RR

Featured in the upcoming issue of Model Railroad Planning is community member Tom Klimoski’s Georgia Northeastern Railroad.  A sneak peak of this excellent layout is shown  in his recently produced YouTube video.  Shown below is his track plan. There are some great lessons to be learned from Tom’s efforts.  A few that stand out to me […]

Coupling Cars, “Give me a stretch”

Topic: Model Railroad Operations   So, how are your coupling skills?  Are you doing everything by the book?  Are you sure? In the January issue of The Dispatcher’s Office*, professional rail Dan Sylvester writes, “When making a joint (coupling) the speed should not exceed 4 mph.  Stop and stretch the coupling to make sure the […]

Using Likely Op. Session Length To Determine The Best Size for Your Layout

Topic: Model Railroad Layout Design How much  layout do you need to do accomplish what’s important to you? I mean, realistically, how much model railroad do you REALLY need to be satisfied?  Most newcomers, and many veterans, grossly over estimate their requirements and by doing so create a lot of unnecessary expense and angst for […]