30th Avenue in the vicinity of Sun Gas is lined by rows of palm trees. Time to make a few! Since there really aren’t any commercially available palm trees that capture the airy and delicate nature of the fronds, they need to be made from scratch. I cut my own using a Black Cat Cougar […]
Category: CSX Downtown Spur
Sun Gas Fencing
One of the more challenging aspects of modeling Sun Gas is dealing with the fencing that surrounds the compound. By nature chain link fencing is very light and airy and difficult to scale down to model proportions. Here’s a few tips I’ve come up with over the years. -Use a high quality photo etched product […]
30th Avenue
Directly across the rails from CBI, and across the street from Sun Gas, is a cinderblock wall running at least a hundred feet long or so. At some point in time an enterprising “artist” or “tagger” painted a fairly creative mural on it. Personally, I think it looks a lot better with the artwork than […]
30th Ave. Jan. 24th
Work begins on the 30th Avenue scene starting with the road and grade crossing itself. It’s a little tricky to model effectively because of the fairly distressed look of the pavement. In addition, the street goes right over a turnout. To model the complex patterns of the pavement, I’m going to laminate a photo of […]
New Miami Video
For the Miami rail fans and modelers in the group, Tolga Erbora has just produced a new video. Among other places he highlights East Rail and the Downtown Spur. He really does a great job of laying things out A to Z. You can watch the video HERE.