Category: CSX Downtown Spur

First Coast of Miami, Final

The First Coast structure is now in the bag. Photos can pick up errors the naked eye can’t. After looking at my previous construction shots it was apparent that I’d made the electrical conduits too large of a diameter so I needed to go back and replace those. One of the more effective illusions of […]

First Coast April 19

It’s nice having a layout that’s half to two thirds done. You have enough completed to run trains and convey your vision while at the same time you can throttle back and work on whatever project strikes your mood. Next on the drawing board is the First Coast of Miami complex. This week I finished […]

First Coast of Miami

An appealing aspect of the area of Miami I’m modeling is the quiet, calm, melancholy atmosphere along the 22nd Street corridor. I particularly like the late afternoons when the shadows grow long and it takes on an almost Hopperesque atmosphere. My next project will be modeling the First Coast of Miami (produce) scene shown above […]