Author: Lmind1

Miami Jai-Alai

With no projects that really moved the needle for me, I took a few months off from the layout. I knew that if I consumed enough craft beers, and took enough naps, eventually something in the way of an idea would float up from the bottom of the pond. And….eventually it did. That “something” being […]

Kikos Wrap Up

Shown above is the finished renovation of Kiko’s Wholesale. I’ve learned a little since I first started experimenting with photo laminates many years ago. I used to look for photos with very few shadows and then photo shopped out any that remained. I now do the opposite, intentionally looking for images taken on sunny days […]

A Facelift For Kikos

One of the more interesting scenes on the layout, both visually and operationally, is where the switchback makes a totally blind crossing of a very heavily traveled 12th Avenue into The Miami Produce Center. Switching the industry is particularly challenging because the view northward up the street is totally obscured by a business called Kiko’s […]