Author: Lmind1

Miami Jai-Alai February 17

Bing Birdseye view of the prototype roof. Next up is painting the roof. Although it’s not that time consuming to deal with, it does need to be done carefully simply because of the large amount of surface area involved and how visible it is. First, I painted the entire surface area with Rustoleum Light Gray […]

Miami Jai-Alai February 6

Work this week centered on getting a flat and firm base for the model and working on the bottom lip of the structure so it sat on the base with no visible gaps. The base itself is a sheet of .093″ acrylic (the shiny black area in the photo) picked up from The Home Depot. […]

A Gondola for FP&T

It’s been awhile since I’ve done any rolling stock so I decided to do so in a way that added some local flavor. Ferrous Process and Trading (FP&T) is a scrap steel recycler and one of the larger industries on the layout. They have their own small fleet of gondolas with the odd reporting marks […]