Author: Lmind1

Miami Jai-Alai Jan. 14

Located on the roof above the entrance is, for lack of a better term, a “cupola like” structure with aesthetic arches running across the face. Aerial photos show the shape is a little more complicated than I first thought. It has a hip roof and the front face isn’t flat but has a portion that […]

Empasizing A Subject via Contrast

The Jack Delano photo above is an example of using contrast to emphasize a subject. Note how the white skyscraper stands out from its neighbors. Also notice that the neighboring structures are fairly similar in color. All of the hues are plausible. A key concept in art theory is that of directing the viewer’s eye, […]

Miami Jai-Alai Jan. 3

One of the several tricky steps of building Miami Jai-Alai is fabricating the distinctive arches on the sides and front top. No commercial parts are available and it would be impossible to get clean cuts by hand. Time to dust off the craft cutter. The first step is to draw the arches in CAD. One […]

Do Glossy Surfaces “Scale Down”?

The chlorine tank on the right has a fairly glossy surface. Our natural tendency would be to replicate that sheen on a model of it. Is that the best approach? As modelers we have a natural tendency to examine the prototype and copy it as closely as possible.  Our thinking being that the better job […]

Miami Jai-Alai Dec. 26

Since my last posting, I’ve managed to complete the exterior sides and roof. The shape is fairly simple but, even so, the relatively large size made ensuring I got everything to the right size and fit a little more time consuming. Also, the larger size required far more effort to make sure that everything was […]