Author: Lmind1

Color Saturation and Surface Sheen

If you were in the field viewing the prototype of these containers from several feet away you’d notice that the surface is quite glossy. If we model that degree of sheen on the layout, however, it will look toy like. Sheen (shine vs. dullness) and color saturation are tricky subjects for model railroaders.  As real […]

12th Avenue Courtyard

This shot was taken on the layout from 12th Avenue facing east towards downtown. Trujillo is on the left, the runaround track is in the distance. The Miami skyline is cropped in as I think it’s a better look than the basement door which is what you’d actually see if you were visiting the layout!

Miami Jai-Alai Finished!

Whew, this was a “project” but it’s finally done. Some lessons learned….First, unconventional subjects require unconventional, and more modern, tools and techniques. It would have been impossible to get this done without using the photo laminate technique and a craft cutter (a tool I appreciate more and more with each passing year). From past mistakes […]