Author: Lmind1

Scratch Building

This scratch built structure cost less than five dollars to build and produced several weekends of modeling enjoyment.  The simple box shape was not that difficult to build using sheet styrene.  The end result was something unique, something that ‘fit’ with the layout, and wasn’t something I could ever find a kit for anyway. I […]

Deliberate Practice

A number of years ago Florida State professor Anders Ericsson published a study of individuals that  excelled in their chosen fields of endeavor.   An excellent summary of the article was done by Geoffrey Colvin in Fortune Magazine. Click HERE for the article. In summary, Ericsson’s conclusion was that acquiring a high skill level in an […]

Vehicle Colors

If you want to have an accurate mix of colors for the vehicles on your layout then almost 60% of them should be white, black, gray, or silver.  The annual Dupont Automotive color popularity report broke down as follows:

Building A Successful Layout

  To me the definition of a successful layout is very simple.  In my view, it’s simply a layout that provides the maximum amount of enjoyment given the owner’s circumstances.  What other’s think of it, its technical characteristics, the theme, the degree of detail etc. really is irrelevant.   If an individual would truly enjoy placing […]