Author: Lmind1

What We Want & How to Get It

  Which DCC system is best?  What is the best aisle width? What era should I model?  What radius should I make my curves?  Ultimately questions such as these end being no more than  minutiae, generally irrelevant. There are two primary reasons we engage in model railroading.  First is the satisfaction of assembly and as […]

Barrow’s Stamp

  Advancement in our hobby is driven by leadership.  In our case it seems to run in twenty year waves.  Somebody comes along, moves the needle, and we ride it for several decades.  As things begin to peter out, a new visionary comes along and the cycle repeats.  In the late 1970’s the triumvirate of […]

The Realism Hierarchy

In my October 26th blog, What We Want, How to Get It,  I brought forth the idea that one of the primary reasons we model is to re-create an emotional connection in miniature.  To be transported in such a way that meaningful emotions are triggered.  To this end, the more realistic we can make our […]

Coupling Cars, “Give me a stretch”

Topic: Model Railroad Operations   So, how are your coupling skills?  Are you doing everything by the book?  Are you sure? In the January issue of The Dispatcher’s Office*, professional rail Dan Sylvester writes, “When making a joint (coupling) the speed should not exceed 4 mph.  Stop and stretch the coupling to make sure the […]