Author: Lmind1

Turnback Loops

The shortest distance between two points is a straight line, something real railroads have first and foremost in their minds when it comes to going from point A to point B.  In real life,  railroads go a LONG way without turning.  Unfortunately, our basements are so small that we can only go a few feet […]

Paint Talk

In a recent issue of RMC there was an article on airbrushing acrylic craft paints.  I was skeptical. Last week a scenery project came up where doing so would be handy  “if” it would work.  Sure enough it did!  I can’t be of much help in terms of mix ratios other than to say I […]

Floating Bench Work Wrap Up

After the initial false start, I finally wrapped up the floating bench work construction.   Often, the impact of our layout environment rarely reaches the level of conscious awareness.  However, a clean execution of the bench work and room environment sets a tone that enhances the entire experience of interacting with a layout.  It makes us want […]