The ultimate modeling gift to yourself? Something that, if embraced, will allow you to be transported into the miniature world you are working so hard to artfully frame? Three of them are only $12.65. Click HERE. The article below shows how to use them.
Author: Lmind1
Advanced Beginners. The Underserved, Invisible Modeling Class
Profiling. Demographics, Sociology. Touchy subjects at times depending on the context. Applied with good, or at least benign, intentions however, classifying people into categories can be beneficial both to the individuals being grouped as well as those that are serving them. A major factor in the usefulness of all of this data is how […]
Better Pavement
The intersection of District Blvd. and South Everett Avenue. When I start a new layout I pick out a few modeling skills I’d like to improve upon. Since pavement is such a dominant player in urban modeling, it was at the top of my list for the LAJ project. While the painted roads in […]
Pacific Forest, The Model
I love building models of nondescript structures. Once you get into them, you invariably pick up on features you hadn’t noticed at first glance. With Pacific Forest (4803 S. Everett Avenue, Vernon, CA) I loved the yellow brick, door framing, logo above the door, and blue banding. Although I shot the prototype photos myself on my trip […]
Scene Composition
A southbound local passes bridge E8, south of Bloomington, IN on my old N scale layout. I devoted a full thirteen feet to this ‘boring’ scene. There were no industries, no turnouts, nothing but the field and stream modeled as they actually appeared. Of all of the factors that contribute to realism, at the […]