Category: Prototype

Charm City, Switching’s Promised Land

One of Tradepoint Atlantic’s switchers makes a transfer run between yards. The empty centerbeams were pulled from the massive Home Depot facility. Trains shuttle back and forth between yards all day. A new Starbucks is being built just out of view to the right. Having the luxury of being able to watch prototype switching operations […]

Arctic Monsters

About every other time I rail fan in Baltimore there’s a cut of cryogenic reefers spotted at Terminal H (Canton RR territory). These monsters are block-out-the-sun massive. Photos really don’t capture the impact they make in person. Between their size and paint scheme, it’s hard not to be drawn to them. Thirty years ago Walthers […]

Attitude and Approach

Ben Sullivan stands in front of his masterful rendition of the Georgetown Branch’s Rock Creek Viaduct. Results like this come from being in the game long term, making mistakes, learning from them, and moving forward. Attitude and approach to the hobby goes a long way. The last two weekends were particularly enjoyable for me, both […]