The new job in my shop is based on CNW’s famed Alco Line. To see some photos of where things stand so far, check out the blog on my business site.
Category: Prototype
York Transfer Part 2
A month after my August blog on York, PA I made a second trip to the area. The gods were with me and I got the evidence I was looking for that York Transfer is indeed still rail served. This shot, taken September 24, 2024, was a real mess. The sun was setting and things […]
Comfort Zones & Inertia
A tandem of York Railway GP15-1’s slowly glides back and forth as it works the NS interchange in York. Just as I got into position for this shot, a hole opened up in the clouds letting the sun light up the sides of the units. What can’t be captured in a photo is the amazing, […]
The Plausibility Payoff
This is real railroading. There is no circus train passing a marching band on a nearby street. There are no saturated primary colors or eye-catching architectural masterpieces. It’s flat black tankers under dull brown trees, gray gravel, and mud puddles. The shot was taken earlier this year in Old Hickory, TN at what appears to […]
Strategic Omission
A key scene on The Downtown Spur is the point where the line crosses 12th Avenue. A major element is the Metrorail line running overhead. However, just because it’s there, should we model it? My next book will be “Realism Principles For Model Railroaders”. Give me four to six months to get it on the […]