Category: Photography and Lighting

Printing Better Images

From the emails I receive, I can tell folks struggle with how to optimize the printed image output quality for their photo wallpaper. It can be confusing so let’s go through a short primer. There are essentially two steps. First, you need to save the photo in a way that maximizes how many ink dots […]

Two Points of View

 The camera lens gives us tremendous power to interpret and frame our scenes in a way we find personally appealing. There are two primary reasons we build model railroads.  First is the satisfaction of creation and assembly.  The second reason, which often plays out sub-consciously and tends be emotionally driven, is much more powerful.  We […]

MR Video Plus Shoot

Kent and Ben from Model Railroader Video Plus were here much of the day shooting The Downtown Spur.  Look for the finished copy early next year.  Two great guys and a thoroughly enjoyable experience.  It is so rewarding and eye opening to see your work documented from perspective, angles, and via media we aren’t accustomed to.  I […]