Category: Opinion

Color Management

The challenge of having so much information instantly at our fingertips is, that when something particularly insightful is written, it can get lost in the background noise. There is no element of modeling that contributes more to visual impact and plausibility than nailing the colors. To that end, Tony Koester’s editorial on color strategy in […]

A New Podcast

I was honored to be a guest on my buddy Ray Arnot’s latest “Around The Layout” podcast. Always a fun time! You can listen to it HERE. For a full listing of all of Ray’s Podcasts visit his site HERE.

It’s About Access

Looking east down 22nd Street on my Downtown Spur layout. The layout is located in an eighteen by eighteen foot room and has thirteen turnouts. Switching layouts and moderate-size branch line railroads aren’t about “settling”.  They aren’t the sole province of the space-deprived or financially strapped. They’re about access.  They provide an easy entry portal […]