1951 USGS aerial view showing the endpoint of the B&O’s Georgetown Branch. (Washington, DC.) Photo courtesy of Ben Sullivan. Ben goes into much more detail on these aerials on his site HERE. Last weekend, I attended what was probably the most relaxing and enjoyable operating session I’ve ever experienced. It was graciously hosted by my […]
Category: Operations
Dialing in Session Length
Having just left “A Yard”, an LAJ switcher shoves its cut across District Blvd. and down The Horn Lead to begin work. The cars have already been blocked in car spot order. Even so, it took me about thirty minutes to run through everything. Today I tested the LAJ layout in its new 1960’s operational […]
More On Plastics
Another one of my readers, Sawyer B, sent me a detailed account of working a plastics facility. Since it may be helpful to many I’m posting it here. Sawyer wrote: I was reading your blog tonight and got to the post on plastics industries and thought you might enjoy hearing my experiences with a rail […]
A Two Turnout Layout
LAJ Alco S-2 #1 basks in the sun awaiting its next assignment. 1964. ebay slide scan. Photographer unknown. It’s interesting how a little information, often innocuous on the surface, can totally change our perspective and make us realize that our layout offers opportunities we hadn’t considered before. Even better, this expanded view can be realized […]
Plastics Industries
In my recent book on industries, I showed no love for plastics industries as modeling subjects, going so far as to call them “boring”. The audacity….and apparently a somewhat uninformed take. One of my frequent blog readers, Blake B., offered a much more educated perspective in a recent email. “I did have an observation, regarding […]