Category: Los Angeles Junction Railway

Easy Outs For Proto Freelancing

Looking back at my last four layouts, two have been purely prototype based, the other two proto-freelanced.  I can’t say one type offered more enjoyment over the other.  From a scene composition standpoint though, proto-freelanced projects such as the LAJ can be particularly challenging.  Left to our own imagination there is a general tendency to […]

Sweetener Products 2-27

I finally finished up the Sweetener Products corn syrup structure.  Once I decide on the foreground composition I’ll add the unloading hoses and piping.  The image originals that I wanted to use for the photo wallpaper contained no doors, somewhat unrealistic for this application.  One of the more involved aspects of the photo editing was […]

Simulating Metal Surfaces

My attention of late has been on the Sweetener Products structure.  One of the signature features of corn syrup facilities is the preponderance of metallic vents and piping.  The question then becomes, how do you make plastic look like metal? Simply using silver paint, even traditional paints labeled as metallics, won’t work.  They’re far too grainy and […]