Category: Model Railroad Design


The timeless 80/20 rule, model railroad planning is not immune. All too often we have our 80/20 priorities backwards.  We spend eighty per cent of our time wringing our hands over what I would consider more tactical issues and only twenty per cent on the much more important strategic questions.  What curve radius to employ, […]

New Design Blog Posting

I’ve just posted a new layout design blog on my business site HERE. For reasons that are understandable, many assume that I’m an advocate of small, switching layouts.  That’s not really true.  I’m actually  more of a proponent of layouts that are simple enough to build (and yet still interesting)  that  those on the sidelines […]

Choosing Your Industries

Realism is enhanced when we model industry types that are found with the most frequency. Clockwise from upper left: LPG, scrap metal, team, plastics or warehouse. Over time, our brain subconsciously registers the most commonly found rail side features whether it be through photos or personal railfanning experience. It expects to see certain elements in […]