Category: Construction

Industrial Park Grade Crossing Signage

Grade crossing signs within the confines of a private industrial park sometimes take on looks other than the tradition crossbucks. Shown above is one such example at the NEPW Logistics campus in Portland, ME which I’m currently modeling for a commercial customer. Here’s the artwork for those interested in making your own. I print the […]

A Gondola for FP&T

It’s been awhile since I’ve done any rolling stock so I decided to do so in a way that added some local flavor. Ferrous Process and Trading (FP&T) is a scrap steel recycler and one of the larger industries on the layout. They have their own small fleet of gondolas with the odd reporting marks […]

Kikos Wrap Up

Shown above is the finished renovation of Kiko’s Wholesale. I’ve learned a little since I first started experimenting with photo laminates many years ago. I used to look for photos with very few shadows and then photo shopped out any that remained. I now do the opposite, intentionally looking for images taken on sunny days […]