Category: Construction

LAJ Progress

Work with scene composition continues with the latest efforts being the creation of mock ups of the 4722 S. Everett and 4799 S. Maywood structures.  In the real world these buildings are about a block apart but for the layout I’ll likely take some liberties and put them on opposite sides of the same intersection.  As […]

Urban Backdrop Transitions

The transition from layout to backdrop is dicey even under the best of circumstances.  Moving from a three dimensional flat layout surface to a two dimensional backdrop surface perpendicular to the eye, typically leaves the viewer with the subconscious nagging that “this just isn’t real”.  If we are lucky we model a rural area and can […]

Paint Talk

In a recent issue of RMC there was an article on airbrushing acrylic craft paints.  I was skeptical. Last week a scenery project came up where doing so would be handy  “if” it would work.  Sure enough it did!  I can’t be of much help in terms of mix ratios other than to say I […]