Category: Construction

The Quest for “Perfect” Pavement

Not always, but on occasion the quest for “perfection” is worth the end result.  The quest for the perfect burger, bowl of chili, or cup of coffee being notable examples.  In model railroading the quest for “perfect” pavement pays dividends from the standpoint that roadways are such a common feature.  Unfortunately they aren’t that easy to […]

LAJ – August 30th

Scene composition/design continues this weekend with the selection of the central scene to be used for the background structure.  In this case it’s the industry at 4861 East 48th Street.  It’s not rail served and doesn’t need to be.  I selected it because of it’s interesting roof line and subtle but complex coloration. The only […]


Walther’s Grocery Distributor would serve as an excellent foundation for a first kitbashing project One of the questions on my commercial layout design questionnaire is, “what aspect of the hobby do you enjoy the most?”. The most common answer, one that invariably is given a “ten” by most modelers, is structure building. Across the board […]

LAJ Progress

Work with scene composition continues with the latest efforts being the creation of mock ups of the 4722 S. Everett and 4799 S. Maywood structures.  In the real world these buildings are about a block apart but for the layout I’ll likely take some liberties and put them on opposite sides of the same intersection.  As […]