Author: Lmind1

The “Finished Layout” Landmine

The mid-morning sun washes over Florida Bottling on The Downtown Spur layout. A landmine is something you didn’t see coming (but could have), step on, and then suffer the consequences.  To that extent it’s not the same as being subjected to some totally random negative event.  If you know you’re entering a mine field, you […]

Miami Taxi Meter Jan. 1

Miami Taxi Meter (or whatever the name of the business actually is) isn’t just one building but a small complex of non-descript, low lying masonry structures. Over the past week I finished the masonry storage building above. I’ve uploaded the photo wallpaper of this model into the how to section on…well…photo wallpaper for others to […]

Where Does the Time Go?

In the above video clip, The Downtown Spur job works Miami Iron and Metal. Let’s take a pause in our day (pun intended) and talk about switching operations. Looking at a crew’s shift, where does the bulk of the time go? Moving cars? Nope? Travel time? A little but not that much. Where then? Last […]