Author: Lmind1

Canton RR Article

The current issue of Railfan and Railroad has an exceptional article on Baltimore’s Canton RR, a modern switching line. I particularly liked the highly detailed explanation of their switching operations. The photos are superb as is Otto’s illustration. You can buy it HERE. My Barnes and Noble had it in the magazine rack. I have […]

Free Money Layout – Operations

After my last post, Tolga went back and re-shot his OMNI Logistics photo under better conditions. Note the loading ramp on the far right of the photo. Thanks Tolga! After my post on the “Easy Money” design, I received a few emails asking how it would be operated so let’s take a step back and […]

Free Money

This is railroading and it’s happening now. Tolga Erbora caught FEC’s CIS local down in the dirt and earning revenue as it works OMNI Transload, a logistics warehouse in Miami. Subject: Model Railroad Layout Design Service It was over a decade ago when I sat in on a seminar at Cocoa Beach presented by the […]

OMNI Transload – East Rail 2

OMNI Transload, a logistics warehouse, is the latest addition to my new East Rail 2 layout. Because logistics warehouses offer a lot of operational potential in a limited amount of space, they make ideal candidates for smaller layouts. On my original incarnation of East Rail I had two steel warehouses sitting on the banks of […]

East Rail 2 – July 9, 2023

The last several weeks have centered on scratch building palms, scenery detailing, and some Alkem chain link fencing. Momentum is building and I can see the look of the old layout coming back to life, albeit in a subtly refined form. A close up view of the canal leg. Miami Iron and Metal will be […]