I added a section of photo wallpaper sample images for people to download in the How To section.
Photo Wallpaper
- Post author By Lmind1
- Post date
- Categories In Construction, News
I added a section of photo wallpaper sample images for people to download in the How To section.
MR Video Plus just uploaded their video of The Downtown Spur. You can view it HERE.
Wrote a post on preparing for the day you finally have a layout. You can read it on my business site HERE. Or….cut and paste: http://shelflayouts.com/2016/03/preparing-for-the-day-you-have-a-layout/
The core for Modern Pattern and Foundry was made from illustration board. Having depleted my supply of large styrene sheet material, I decided to try something different for my structure cores, illustration board. An email to a friend that has been using the board for years confirmed that it is viable and doesn’t warp […]
It’s a common modeling problem. We’re trying to model something we see on the prototype and the only part available is grossly out of scale. The problem compounds if the part in question is something we see every day. Do we omit the part? Do we include the crude “soap carving” so we can say […]