Model Railroad Blog

Real Time Operations


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Thanks to blog follower Justin for forwarding the link to this great YouTube video of CSX local D700 switching Standale Lumber in Grandville, MI.  What struck me is that this entire sequence could be modeled in real time.   The clip is roughly twenty minutes long.  You could inch through the video, notepad ready, and note every single move they perform and then model it.  So, with only two or three turnouts you’d have an easy to model scene, and an interesting after dinner mini op. session.  Note the time spent opening the gates and flagging the crossing.  Note that the loaded car is an offspot (dropped previously near the industry).  A layout with just two or three simple industries like this would be extremely simple and inexpensive to build, provide a great skills building platform, and provide satisfying operations.

Here’s a simple three turnout layout that would be within easy reach of a middle school student or entry level retiree and yet also be satisfying for a more experienced modeler.  The design was operations driven to provide a one-hour operating session.

3 Turnout

  • Track: ME code 70
  • Turnouts: Micro Engineering #6
  • Bench work: 12-inch hollow core door slaps
  • Curve radius: 27″
  • Grades: None
  • Room size: 10′ x 12′
  • One foot grid size

The Flat Earth Society


The riser construction on this grade intensive commercial project was fairly involved.  Was the play value worth it?


If you look at my layout designs, you’ll notice that the vast majority of them have totally flat, grade free, track profiles.  I’ll insert vertical scenery elements above and below track level but the right of way is flat.  There is a reason for this.   With any design feature, there should be a relationship between the benefit the feature provides and the work involved in building it.  In most cases that doesn’t exist with grades.   Things that crop up are:

  • For reasons of mechanical reliability vertical transitions into and out of grades must be smooth.  This is just something else that needs to be dealt with.  For beginner modelers especially they already have enough on their plate.
  • What goes up must come down so you need to ‘close the loop’ vertically.
  • You can’t have spurs and yards on grades.
  • Although not super complex, the sub-roadbed riser construction is more involved.

All and all grades tend to be inefficient and disruptive because they squeeze out room that could be otherwise used for operational features such as industries and yards.  Unless you need the grade for operational reasons, such as pushers or matching a key feature on a prototype, I suggest skipping them.  They don’t pay the freight

LAJ Crossbucks


The LAJ had some unique crossbucks with a vertical sign labeled “Los Angeles Junction Ry” running down the post in a very distinctive font.  I started with a photo of one of their actual signs and printed it out.  To give it some depth I glued it to a painted piece of strip wood and then added two Tichy NBW castings.