Model Railroad Blog

First Coast April 19

It’s nice having a layout that’s half to two thirds done. You have enough completed to run trains and convey your vision while at the same time you can throttle back and work on whatever project strikes your mood. Next on the drawing board is the First Coast of Miami complex. This week I finished building the core and doing the photoshop work for the parking lot out front.

First Coast of Miami

The late afternoon sun casts long shadows as you look west down 22nd Street at 13th Avenue in Miami.

An appealing aspect of the area of Miami I’m modeling is the quiet, calm, melancholy atmosphere along the 22nd Street corridor. I particularly like the late afternoons when the shadows grow long and it takes on an almost Hopperesque atmosphere. My next project will be modeling the First Coast of Miami (produce) scene shown above (the courtyard framed by the two box trucks). You’re looking west down 22nd Street. The Domingo Produce structure, which I just finished, would be just out of view to the right.

Domingo Photography

Here’s an “art shot” of the Domingo structure on the layout. Lighting consisted of a single tungsten photo flood about three feet to my left and pointed downward from about two feet above the layout. I used Helicon Focus for the depth of field. Most of the layout backdrop was photoshopped out and an image of an actual sky cropped in.

Domingo Produce April 7

The awning and support poles were tricky to construct but are now in the bag as is the roof. Not clearly visible is a bank of three conduits I fabricated from spring wire just above the awning to the right of the window. All that remains is the corrugated metal treatment of the awning and I’ll be done.