With the holidays and some work travel behind me, it’s time to get back to modeling. The Brooklyn Terminal layout achieved critical mass last year and came together enough that the final vision was more apparent. There are six more hand laid turnouts to be done which will be my main focus in the upcoming year. A close second will be ongoing tuning of the small steam switchers, adding switch machines, and switching over to NCE for the control system. I’m working on my first Kalmbach book which has a deadline of August so that will compete with my modeling time a little.
Model Railroad Blog
Detailing the Shoreline
This week I detailed the shoreline. First up was adding the high tide “stain” which was done by carefully masking things off with damp paper towels and lightly airbrushing on Model Master “sand”. Next up I used the same dampened paper towel technique to add static grass at the top of the embankment and between the rails. I wrapped things up by adding debris such as abandoned tires, paper trash, and pieces of wood.
2am, August 24, 1943. First Avenue. Brooklyn, NY.
Shot with an iPhone 6sPlus under halogen track lighting. Edited with Helicon Focus and Adobe PSE.
Rukert Terminals
Using this interesting prototype structure on 54th Street in Brooklyn for inspiration, a lot of photoshop work, and a logo I found on the web I was able to cobble together a freelance “Rukert Terminals” structure for the layout.
National Cold Storage – Final
The National Cold Storage structure is now complete and on the layout. That wraps up the big projects that I’ll focus on this year as I move towards detailing and tuning what I’ve done thus far.