Category: Opinion

Directing the Eye

No matter how much of a prototype modeler we’d like to say we are, the reality of our limited space is such that everything we do is ultimately somewhere on the “proto-freelance” spectrum. Since we can’t copy actual scenes exactly, decisions need to be made with respect to composition. One of the key principles of […]

The “Finished Layout” Landmine

The mid-morning sun washes over Florida Bottling on The Downtown Spur layout. A landmine is something you didn’t see coming (but could have), step on, and then suffer the consequences.  To that extent it’s not the same as being subjected to some totally random negative event.  If you know you’re entering a mine field, you […]

Finally, We Have Figures!

I never thought I’d see the day. In what, to me, is one of the biggest technological breakthroughs in recent years, we FINALLY have miniature figures that are useable. Real people, in real poses, crisply cast. I’ve always been a believer in the adage, “no detail is better than a bad detail”. In that vein, […]

Defining the phrase “Detailing”

In this photo of a scene taken on the project currently in my shop, the emphasis was on put on the numerous scenery layers and matching the complex color patterns of the structure. At this point I haven’t added one traditional “detail” part such as a switch stand. When those parts are added, they will […]