My structures book now appears in the Kalmbach Books storefront with a projected availability date of May 1.
Structures Book Status
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My structures book now appears in the Kalmbach Books storefront with a projected availability date of May 1.
Well over half of the individuals who contact me state that they want a multi-deck layout. The idea of doubling the size of the potential railroad seems like a silver bullet. The decision as to design configuration is neither good nor bad IF you know exactly what the pros and concerns are. That’s my concern. […]
My latest book, Shortlines You Can Model, Vol. 1 is now available for purchase via Amazon. Imagine a shortline set in a tropical city where English is the secondary language, and trackside voodoo rituals are commonplace. Palm trees, oppressive humidity, a narrow ship-clogged canal, and one-story pastel-colored structures with peeling paint and murals complete the […]
Scenery For Modern Switching Layouts Finally… scenery book is finished and live on Amazon! I would describe it as a niche book targeted to two readerships, myself and my blog readers. Many thanks to Tom Klimoski for his editing efforts. No matter how much experience we have, we all have the capacity to improve, myself […]
The current issue of Railfan and Railroad has an exceptional article on Baltimore’s Canton RR, a modern switching line. I particularly liked the highly detailed explanation of their switching operations. The photos are superb as is Otto’s illustration. You can buy it HERE. My Barnes and Noble had it in the magazine rack. I have […]