Category: East Rail 2

The “East Rail” Name

It’s February 15, 2006 at the “East Rail” industrial park (looking southward). Looking at the tracks to the right we have (back to front): No. 1 Main (back), No. 2 Main(middle), and the “East Rail” siding (foreground) . East Rail got its name by virtue of being “East” of the double track main. At the […]

East Rail 2 Update

Before and after views of the East Rail 2 layout room The bulk of my time since the last update has been spent on cleaning and renovating the East Rail 2 layout room. Photos of me elbow deep with a scrub brush removing asphalt tile adhesive doesn’t make for the most captivating blog posts hence […]

The Caricature Pendulum

In August I wrote about the caricature trap, caricature being a treatment that has an “amped up”, contrived, “model railroady” look to it. There’s no shame in that… long as it’s intentional….as long as it something you enjoy looking at. Often though it’s not intentional, and that’s where it’s time to take a pause and […]

East Rail at Halftime

Labor Day weekend say the installation of East Rail 2’s trailer park. With that addition, the major features of the first half of the layout (right side of the L shaped bench work) are now in place. I’ll spend a few months puttering with details before moving to the remaining half. The mobile homes are […]