Author: Lmind1


Tom Klimoski just sent me a link to his latest(excellent) YouTube video of operations on his Georgia Northeastern layout. You can see it HERE. Or enter it manually:   Featured in the July issue of RMC is an exceptional article on painting and weathering locomotive trucks by Shawn Branstetter.  The results are amazing!  If you aren’t […]

New Newsletter

After some trial and error over the last few years I’ve finally come up with an efficient way of getting newsletters out.  If you’d like to receive it, the sign up form is at the top of the home page of my business site:  If you run into sign up issues drop me an […]

Learning to “See” Visual Landmines

In the last post, I discussed developing an eye for “the typical” when it comes to structure selection and then applying a heavy dose of it.  The shot above is of a small LPG facility.  Compact, easy to model, an industry that just looks appropriate in most settings, it’s an ideal subject.  Purchase the Walthers […]

Choosing Your Industries

Realism is enhanced when we model industry types that are found with the most frequency. Clockwise from upper left: LPG, scrap metal, team, plastics or warehouse. Over time, our brain subconsciously registers the most commonly found rail side features whether it be through photos or personal railfanning experience. It expects to see certain elements in […]