Author: Lmind1

Cuba Tropical Produce

While my focus over the past two years was on building the LAJ layout, my “main” model railroad continues to be the Downtown Spur.  Although I haven’t added anything to it in a few years, I have maintained it and operate on it regularly.  With the LAJ now done, and a Brooklyn N scale layout […]

Hitting The Artistic Sweetspot

    Often, when I tell other modelers that I’ve just made a photography trip to Allapattah (Miami) or Vernon (LA), the immediate response is, “Wow, you’re brave.  Weren’t you afraid of being mugged?”.  Let’s get one thing straight up front, I’m not brave!  But no, I can’t say I’ve ever felt even remotely threatened.  […]

Figures 11/8/17

Following my last post on figures, UK modeler Steve J. wrote: “regarding figures – have you seen the work of ModelU? Based over here in the UK , they use a 3d scanner and printer to accurately create realistic figures. Many have been done from preserved railways and of you catch them at a how […]


I’ve always felt that the old modeler’s adage of “no detail is better than a bad detail” made sense.  If we need a specific detailed part, and the only thing on the market is a crude soap carving, you’re better off omitting the detail as opposed to trying to represent it with an unsightly placeholder. […]