Author: Lmind1

An Intermountain Upgrade

One advantage of the Intermountain freight cars is that they feature stand off details such as ladders and grabs.  The downside is that these details are grossly over-sized.  I spent the weekend puttering around to see what upgrades might improve the look.  I operate on the philosophy that no detail is better than a bad […]

Working the Freight House

    With the freight house scene now complete, I can have some enjoyable mini op. sessions through scenery.  I like to run a short solo session at least once a week.  These are simple affairs running less than hour.  I recently staged a simple scenario centered around working the freight house and was surprised […]

N Scale Code 40

I just finished the first run of ballasted track work on the layout.  Micro Engineering code 40 was used as the basis.  Every fifteenth tie or so was removed and a pc tie soldered in place for stability.  Once this was done, I took a number 11 blade and shaved all of the spike heads […]

The Freight House

The first structure for the N scale Brooklyn Terminal is now complete.  Specifically, a representation of the old Bush Terminal facility at 1st Avenue and 48th Street in Brooklyn.  As with previous layouts, the model consists of photographs of the prototype, manipulated with photo editing software and then affixed to a braced styrene core. Stand […]