Author: Lmind1

Brooklyn Terminal Oct. 1

Bush Terminal’s run down 1st Avenue was characterized by one and two store low rise industries paralleling the main running down the street. Spurs would diverge and curve sharply to serve the businesses which typically had curved sides to match the shape of the track. I’ll need four of these buildings. One down, a second […]

Brooklyn Terminal Sept 20

Over the past few weeks I’ve been working on getting the sidewalks done as well as adding street lamps and fire hydrants along 1st Avenue. I had to go back and repaint the hydrants from the original red I started with to a more prototypical dark green with white top.

Brooklyn Terminal Aug. 19

With the design book finished and submitted to Kalmbach, it’s back to your regularly scheduled programming. Next on the docket is finishing the Belgian block wallpaper overlays on the street trackage. This gets particularly dicey at the double turnouts. The first step is to photocopy one of the turnouts and cut the pieces out to […]