Author: Lmind1

Matte vs. Glossy Photo Paper?

As I continue to refine my technique of using photo wallpaper laminates instead of paint, one of the primary questions continuouisly on my mind is whether to use matte photo paper or gloss. On the surface it would seem matte would be the logical choice. However, at some point, just by chance I noticed that […]

Fine Standards N Scale

When I started on the Brooklyn Terminal layout it wasn’t with the intention of making it a “Fine N Scale” project. “Fine N Scale” is a sub-section of the hobby dedicated to, as the name implies, much more delicate cross sections that are closer to prototype dimensions. It’s a small niche of a scale that […]

Brooklyn Terminal April 25

Since the BT is a small terminal line with appropriately small steam power, I didn’t want the service facilities to be overwhelmingly large. Most commercially available water towers were simply too big so I kitbashed a Walthers rooftop water tank with some Tichy parts spliced on. The coal conveyor is from ModelTech Studios. The yard […]

Brooklyn Terminal April 12

Referring to my lack of recent blog postings, a few readers have wondered if I’m floating face down in the Calumet River, the victim of a long overdue mob hit. Rest assured progress continues. As I mentioned, postings about the latest few inches of progress land laying code 40 turnouts doesn’t make for the most […]

Brooklyn Terminal March 7

Weekly updates on my hand laid code 40 turnouts are probably as compelling as that of a farmer’s update on the growth of his corn field! The three turnouts I was working on off layout were finished and placed on the layout replacing the temporary Peco track that was serving as a placeholder. Now that […]