Author: Lmind1

30th Ave. Jan. 24th

Work begins on the 30th Avenue scene starting with the road and grade crossing itself. It’s a little tricky to model effectively because of the fairly distressed look of the pavement. In addition, the street goes right over a turnout. To model the complex patterns of the pavement, I’m going to laminate a photo of […]

State of the Union

It’s been a busy few years on the modeling front. As I wrote previously, with the Brooklyn Terminal layout now fully complete, I do find myself feeling a bit of “what now”? There are really no other themes or scales that are pulling me towards them at this point. If anything has arisen lately it’s […]

Brooklyn Terminal Tug

This weekend I wrapped up the last big project on the layout, the harbor tug. It was hard to pick which color scheme to go with given there are so many striking prototype options, the NY Dock and Erie being favorites. Now that I see the finished vessel on the layout going with the New […]

Dust Control

As I mentioned in my last post “if” I do an East Rail 2 it would be placed in the same location in my shop as the original. My biggest concern is dust control. It took awhile to find this photo but it shows my previous attempts to get a handle on things by draping […]