Gotta love that Kodachrome! I shot this in Chicago in the late 1970’s. Back then we didn’t have the luxury of taking mass photos. It was all film. I had no money. Every shot mattered. We had to “bracket” one over and one under on every shot to make sure we got it. For the […]
Author: Lmind1
A Lesson In Working With Vintage Photos
The vintage LAJ photo above is a real gem although it become more of a “project” than I thought going in. What makes it unique is it’s the only image I’m aware of that shows the northerly side of the engine house. I’ve always liked it so when it appeared on ebay I immediately snagged […]
4300 District Blvd.
A sunny day in Vernon, CA. 4300 District Blvd. For me, one of the most enjoyable aspects of the hobby is re-creating a location in miniature so I feel that I can visit it any time by walking into the layout room. Getting that effect really isn’t possible with the naked eye simply due to […]
Moving Beyond Being an “8 out of 10” Modeler
Victoria Embankment, London. G.De Nittis. Last weekend I attended a lecture at the Phillips on the work of Italian impressionist Giuseppe De Nittis (more well known in Europe than the US). On the panel were two art historians and two museum curators, all excellent speakers. They’d put up a slide of a piece of work […]
Sight Lines
My new, and long awaited, view block to control sight lines when walking into the layout room. The layout room environment matters and it matters a lot. A big part of that relates to sight lines. By that I mean what you see as you stand in the room and take the layout in. Of […]