Author: Lmind1

East Rail Returns!

Looking east down NW 59th Street in 2013 we see several boxes spotted in front of SALCO, a swimming pool chemical supplier in Miami’s East Rail industrial park. For many, many years I’ve bounced around the idea of building a second version of my old East Rail layout. The questions being: where would I put […]

Quick Start: Photoshop Elements

In a recent blog we discussed learning Photoshop Elements. The main points were: despite all of the tools on the screen, you only use a few of them over and over. Last time we discussed cropping, color correction, and adjusting lightness and darkness. Today we’re going to discuss the “selection tool”. As its name implies, […]

Downtown Spur Video

When he was up here last weekend, Tolga Erbora filmed what was probably the best video ever produced of my Downtown Spur layout. It’s amazing to me that he filmed this…while operating..with a cell phone. Throttle in one hand, phone in the other. Great job my friend! I have to say I’m very happy with […]

Quick Start: PhotoShop Elements

I have to say I’m impressed. I thought I’d have everybody running for the hills after my last photography post. A crucial step in getting better photos is becoming comfortable with photo editors. As a review, my suggestion was to steer clear of the expensive, highly advanced programs as they will just overwhelm you with […]