Author: Lmind1

State of the Union – East Rail

I should probably post more wide angle/overall shots of the layout. An overall of the entire layout as it stands today. Only two structures left to build. The left side of the layout with the just completed Tropical International structure in place. The right side with the recently finished cryo reefer spotted at the logistics […]

My Latest Book is Now Available!

My latest book, Shortlines You Can Model, Vol. 1 is now available for purchase via Amazon. Imagine a shortline set in a tropical city where English is the secondary language, and trackside voodoo rituals are commonplace.  Palm trees, oppressive humidity, a narrow ship-clogged canal, and one-story pastel-colored structures with peeling paint and murals complete the […]


Photo of the SALCO structure mounted on the layout. I’ve found that working the scenery in around a building’s base takes almost as much time as making the structure itself. Photo was taken with an iPhone 6 and stacked with Helicon Focus. Photoshopped sky.