Author: Lmind1

Hand Laid Track

Inconvenient truths.  These are things that we’d rather not be the case but are.  Philly cheese steaks with fried onion ring toppings aren’t good for you (don’t have to even look that one up) but we’d rather not know that. Fortunately our evolutionary development has granted us coping mechanisms such as rationalization and denial. One of the […]

Color Layers & Color Spectrum

It’s safe to say I’ll never be accused of being a cultured art critic.  That aside, in the last year I’ve had the chance to visit some of the more notable art museums on the east coast and attended a number of art festivals.  The difference in a painting done by one of history’s masters […]

MR Video Plus Shoot

Kent and Ben from Model Railroader Video Plus were here much of the day shooting The Downtown Spur.  Look for the finished copy early next year.  Two great guys and a thoroughly enjoyable experience.  It is so rewarding and eye opening to see your work documented from perspective, angles, and via media we aren’t accustomed to.  I […]

Modeling From A Suitcase

From time to time I get emails from active duty military along the lines of “Can’t wait to get back stateside so I can start model railroading”.   Variations on this theme are,  I can’t wait until: I’m out of college, have a house, don’t travel so much etc.   Been there, done that. Such a mindset, […]